
Three reasons why TPE elastomer materials are favored


1.Traditional materials such as thermosetting rubber and PVC plastic can be replaced by TPE. The ease of processing of TPE is becoming one of the main drivers of the growing TPE market. Although the replacement rate of TPE for thermosetting rubber is already high, there is still room for improvement in the replacement rate of automotive sealing systems and medical products. At the same time, due to the environmental concerns of PVC, it has attracted great attention from all over the country. Reducing the application of PVC materials and switching to environmentally friendly materials has become one of the mainstream trends in the future. The TPE material is becoming one of the ideal materials to replace PVC with its outstanding flexibility and ease of processing.
2. The newTPE products emerged one after another. Today, as environmental protection concepts continue to deepen in people's hearts, more and more manufacturers focus on developing environmentally friendly products. In addition, improving the product's own performance is also the focus of research and development, thereby further broadening the application field to meet the increasingly stringent requirements of customers.
3. TPE has the characteristics of being recyclable. A major feature of TPE products is that they can be recycled, and the performance of products reprocessed after recycling has not decreased significantly. TPE will also be favored by the end customers with its recoverability features.

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